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Daniel, The book of

An OT book placed within the Writings in the Hebrew Bible, but within the Prophets in the LXX and English Bibles. Chapters 1–6 are stories set at the Babylonian and Persian courts, narrated in the third person. Chapters 7–12 are apocalyptic revelations, narrated in the first person.

Outline of Contents


I. The tales (Dan Chapters 1-6)

A. Exile of Daniel and his friends (Dan 1)

B. Daniel interprets Nebuchadnezzar’s dream (Dan 2)

C. Jewish officials survive a fiery furnace (Dan 3)

D. Nebuchadnezzar is transformed into a beast for seven years (Dan 4)

E. Daniel interprets writing on a wall (Dan 5)

F. Daniel survives the lions’ den (Dan 6)

II. The visions (Dan Chapters 7-12)

A. Four beasts that rise from the sea, and “one like a son of man” coming on the clouds (Dan 7)

B. A ram, a he-goat, and an insolent little horn (Dan 8)

C. Seventy weeks of years (Dan 9)

D. An angelic summary of historical events and a forecast of the end (Dan 10-12).

  • Powell, Mark Allan, ed. HarperCollins Bible Dictionary. Abridged Edition. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2009.