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Ay´huh-zi´uh; Heb., “Yah[weh] holds firm”

1 The son of Ahab and king of Israel ca. 850–849 BCE. Ahaziah permitted his mother, Jezebel, to maintain and even strengthen the Baal cult (1Kgs 22:52-53). He was reproved by Elijah, who threatened him with death, which followed shortly (2Kgs 1:2-18). 2 The son of Jehoram and Athaliah, and king of Judah ca. 842 BCE. Because of his kinship and friendship with Jehoram of Israel, Jehu, the king of Israel, assassinated him along with Jehoram (2Kgs 9:27-28).

  • Powell, Mark Allan, ed. HarperCollins Bible Dictionary. Abridged Edition. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2009.